SUMO’s ‘Five to Thrive’

Nov 9, 2021 | TC blog

We were delighted that so many guests could join Paul’s webinar on Friday 5th November, providing such positive and useful feedback. As promised, here is a summary of what Paul covered and links to additional resources.

Your ‘Five to Thrive’

1. Be proactive. Focus on your green zone.
2. Get Perspective. Where is this issue on a scale of 1-10? How important will this be in 6 months time? What can I find that’s positive in this situation?
3. Remember the beachball. Make sure you check out other people’s perspectives.
4. Hippo Time is OK – we need to Wallow and have time for recovery. However it’s temporary. It’s a detour not a destination.
5. Remember you are M.A.D. – Making A Difference

Faced with a challenge?

Download your copy of the full seven questions here.

Further Reading

Paul’s book recommendations which you may find useful  –

1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
2. The Chimp Paradox – Steve Peters

Books that Paul has written that may also be helpful –

1. SUMO Shut Up, Move On
2. How Not to Worry
3. YESSS! The SUMO Secrets to Being a Positive, Confident Teenager – suitable for anyone aged 9 upwards

Connecting with Paul

If anyone wants to connect with Paul on social media they can do so via Instagram and Twitter @thesumoguy. You can also access more of Paul’s work by visiting his YouTube channel.

In addition, if anyone would like to subscribe to Paul’s newsletter to continue to receive ideas and inspiration every few weeks from Paul, please click here.

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