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No Wrong Path

We strongly support the ‘No Wrong Path’ movement led by Developing the Young Workforce which provides inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their exam results.

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What effect does inflation have on investments?

What effect does inflation have on investments?

Let’s face it, nobody likes it when prices go up.  Over the last few months, prices have risen at the petrol pumps and shops, combined with energy price hikes. This has led to much discussion on increased inflation.  But what is inflation and how does it impact on your assets, such as cash deposits, ISAs, and pensions?

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Get Digital or Face The Fine

Get Digital or Face The Fine

New penalties have been announced for businesses that fail to comply with Making Tax Digital for VAT regulations. Read our guide on what you need to do, plus where to go if you need help with MTD for VAT.

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Can I reduce my tax bill?

Can I reduce my tax bill?

Employees, self-employed or owners of limited companies; landlords and investors, here are some ideas to help reduce your tax bill and make the most of the schemes and allowances on offer.  

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Journal Entry Summer 2022

Journal Entry Summer 2022

Welcome to our new look Journal Entry Summer 2022 digital newsletter, We discuss the challenges of change for business owners and individuals, tips to reduce your tax bill and much more.

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Downloadable guides

Moving forward – Support to boost your business

At the beginning of lockdown we created a Covid-19 Support Hub to provide relevant information to the business community in what was a fast-paced, challenging environment.  The feedback from this was very encouraging. Now we are at a different stage in the pandemic and have created this page to host the latest business related news, expert advice and industry insight to help businesses rebuild. Please get in touch if you require further information on any of the areas we cover at or call 01383 628800. 

Talk to us

A conversation is the best way for us to learn about your goals and needs and for you to explore our services.