Thomson Cooper’s very own Commonwealth Games

May 29, 2014 | TC blog

Before competing for real at Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, Canada, Botswana, Malaysia and Papia New Guinea are being represented by Thomson Cooper teams, who are competing in our annual Pedometer Challenge.

The teams are battling to clock up the most steps over an eight week period, hoping to win Gold, Silver or Bronze medals each week, with the overall winner heading the medals table at the end of the challenge, just before the Opening Ceremony in July.

We are undertaking this challenge as part of maintaining our Healthy Working Lives Gold Award. Whilst we all enjoy a little friendly competition, the real aim of the challenge is to encourage us all to walk just a little more each day.

Last year our challenge was to walk from Chicago to Santa Monica along Route 66 and by the end of the challenge, the winning team had clocked up an amazing 5.4 million steps. Of course we’re hoping to at least match that this year.

Two years ago, the partners’ team came a very sad last place, while last year they battled to second place. Any bets they storm ahead to the top of the medals table this year?

Pop by our Facebook page and check our weekly progress, updates on the medals table and anything Commonwealth or team related that occurs to us!

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