Fiona Haro

B Com (Hons) CA


Fiona is our Head of Charities and Not-for-profit team, as well as being a general practitioner. She works principally in the field of independent examination and SME accounts preparation, dealing with preparing statutory compliant accounts.

Fiona is a key member of the charities audit team and is responsible for the independent examination of charities. In her charities role Fiona advises on; accounts preparation, trustee training, good governance, management accounts and reporting to funders. She is a charity trustee so understands the concerns from the other side of the table. Fiona is an expert in the not-for-profit sector and is involved in high profile charities like Playlist For Life.  She helps organisations remain compliant with legislation and delivers training to trustees.

Fiona is a business start-up specialist, assisting new and fledgling companies to create a solid financial foundation so they can prosper.

Within her general practice portfolio Fiona advises companies and the self-employed on start-up, growth through to selling and retirement.